
Isabelle in Capri

Isabelle has been my daughter's best.........and I mean BEST...........friend since they were three years of age. They can be in different countries and separated by seas, but this has never kept either one of them from calling at least once a week. It is the most beautiful of friendships.
Isabelle is undoubtedly one of the most chic and certainly one of the most stylish young ladies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing..........If I had to sum up Isabelle in one word........GRACE.

Kisses from Capri, Linda

1 commentaire:

Wendy a dit…

Désolée pour le dérangement j'aimerai savoir ou je pourrai trouver ce sac Hermes en tissu ou le nom du produit?
merci d'avance et bonne continuation pour ce fabuleux blog