
Crimson's Website Coming Soon

Crimson's Website is a project that I have undertaken since a few months, and I am in the last days of preparation for launching. Let me admit up front that it was more than I had bargained for. Endless technical details that I cannot begin to understand........but somehow must........I am told. I prefer the "pretty" part. I enjoyed so much preparing for the photo shoots. Luckily, Tatiana was home for a week's vacation from Smith. India signed on for a two day shoot with me instead of a job with her agency. Kifu, who is Tatiana's best friend, generously gave me a day of her time. These three young ladies provided me and my team with hours of work and trying to get it right for the Web. I appreciated their joyful attitude, beautiful faces and total understanding of what needed to be done.
These photos are some I took during the day. I am now awaiting the photographer's rendering and what will eventually be Crimson's first season of selling on-line. Stay tuned for the details of how I am dealing with getting it done............

Have missed talking with you all.......
Here is hoping you have missed me talking!!!
Hugs from me, Linda

3 commentaires:

Charlotte B a dit…

You're Back !!! Yay !!
Bisous, Charlotte B.

Unknown a dit…

Missed your posts! Can't wait to see your new website! Your daughters and friend are just beautiful.


KatyE. a dit…

Congratulations on this! Good for you!!!! Loved the photos! They are fresh-like a breath of fresh air! Lovely girls and loved the sweaters and scarves! Best of luck and can´t wait to see what´s coming! Btw, I have past on your blog to girlfriends and their daughters and they find you very cool indeed! (Just to let you know that you have more fans than you are possibly aware of!)